Relax In The Clouds - I Can Fall Asleep
6 stories and 6 relaxation exercises

Relax In The Clouds - I Can Fall Asleep

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US (Inglés)
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What do you do when you can’t get to sleep after you’ve had a bad day, or when another nightmare is keeping you awake? For Paul, nothing is easier than going to see Mr. Snorr, the cool little zen wizard in the Cloud Kingdom. With the help of Coco, the cotton candy bear who smells like coconuts, you’ll soon be back in the land of sweet dreams.

6 sweet stories along with 6 relaxation exercises to help children fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Lunii info: Each story starts with a familiar situation through an event or an emotion that is keeping Paul from getting to sleep.

The little boy joins Mr. Snorr the wizard on Cloud Nine, where he will learn 6 relaxation exercises. At the edge of a lake, in a field, or even up in the stars… These peaceful, guided exercises are centered on visualizations.

Each exercise includes a magic word that helps children remember how to find that special moment of calm when they are having trouble falling asleep.

We suggest you join your child as they discover relaxation so that you can gently introduce them to the practice. These stories are best listened to in a calm environment with My Fabulous Storyteller placed on a flat surface, rather than in your child’s hands.

Good night from up in the clouds.
Extracto n°1
Sophie Nanteuil
Nadège Pétrel
Juanita Grande
Christiana Hills
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